Thursday, January 17, 2019

Im Home

Well this is very hard to say, and a decision that was very very difficult to make, but I have returned home from India for some personal matters.  I don't know how long I'll be home, and I don't know when I will be going back.  If there is one thing I have learned on my mission it is how to listen to the spirit and always do what it tells me to do.  I want to be the type of person that will do what is right even if it is harder. Im so thankful for all of the love and support I have already felt since being home.

I want you all to know that first off I am so grateful for the 10 months I had to serve in India and to love and serve the people over there.  To lose myself in the work of my Savior Jesus Christ was such a blessing and life changer.  Second, I want you all to know that I loved sharing the gospel and testifying of its truthfulness.  Lastly, I want you all to know that I know that this church is true.  Gods church was restored by His power through His prophet Joseph Smith.  The Book Of Mormon is the word of God and is the most true book on the earth.  It truly answers are souls deepest questions, it heals our wounds, enlightens our understanding and fills us with the spirit.  I know that the atonement is for each and everyone of Gods children.  No matter what they have done, how far they have gone off the path, or how broken they are the atonement with always heal them and allow them to be forgiven... If it is used correctly.  I believe in its power, healing, and perfection.  I know my Savior sacrificed himself for all of us, so we could have the atonement, eternal life and the opportunity to repent.  I know more importantly that He Lives and  loves each and everyone of Gods children.  I love my Savior and I will forever be grateful for his constant love, correction, and comfort.  Again, this church is true. It is filled with Gods power, a living prophet, his gospel and his constant and absolute perfect love, and I look forward to working to get back out to serve again in India.  

/Elder Jorgensen (now just Kade)

Monday, December 31, 2018

Bye Bye 2018

Well it is crazy to say, but this will be the last weekly for 2018.  The last year has been a blur, but has been the best year for me so far.  I feel I have slowly started on the path towards where my Heavenly Father needs me to go and be after my mission.  That is a really good feeling.  Well this week was a rough one.  I was sick all week after Christmas and I smiled through it all cause I asked for it! My week consisted of listening to conference talks, reading the Book Of Mormon, sleeping and eating absolutely nothing.  I had lots of time to sit on the couch and shoot the little Nerf ball we have into our hoop and that got my mind off things.  I saw stars on Sunday night and that was really weird. The pollution has been so bad that we never see the sky anymore... With all these fun moments this week, all the pain and struggle I had lots of time to reflect on my year.  It was a crazy one.  I finished college, left on my mission and have now been serving for 9 months.  I've realized that it has been the happiest year of my life because it has been full of service and the gospel... and the hardest year cause of the change and challenges that come from a mission.  I have been able to realize what is most important to me, uncover my faults and weaknesses and improve, and see the gospel work miracles in my life but more importantly the lives of those I am meeting and teaching.  For this email i just want you to know that 1. I love my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ.  2. I love the priesthood I hold and the way I can use it to bless others as I live worthy to have it.  3. I love my family with all of my heart.  They are the ones that have gotten me to where I am today.  They have protected me, guided me, loved me, taught me, corrected me, and just been the greatest blessing in my life. 4. To those that I may have hurt or done wrong to this year I'm sorry.  Part of the person I was before my mission was not the person I should have been.  I said things, did things, acted in ways and treated people in ways I shouldn't have.  I regret all of that and I have worked so hard the last 10 months to correct all of that inside myself to become the person I know I need to become.  Just remember that in this life we will make mistakes and will fall short, but it doesn't always have to be that way.  We can choose to "become a little better than yesterday" and as you choose to do that overtime you will change and become who your Heavenly Father needs you to become.  Thats what it is all about!! I love you all so much.  Im grateful for this year and I look forward to the next year and the challenges, trials, happiness and joy it will bring! Remember that I love you all and hope you have a great New Year's Eve! 

Spiritual Thought: 
Well I just want to share a quick experience.  I was sick from Wednesday to Sunday.  I had lots of time to spend in the apartment, so that meant lots of reading.  I was reading about Captain Moroni and my heart just starting beating and I felt the spirit so strong.  I got on my knees right then and asked my Heavenly Father if the Book of Mormon was true and the word of God.  I received an answer right in that moment.  The feeling I felt was something I can't describe and I heard a clear YES! It's pretty amazing to receive a witness like this that something is true.  It is something I will never forget.  I challenge you all to open the Book Of Mormon more.  When you do, don't wait to pray after reading.  Instead, pray in the moment you are reading and you can have the same experience I have had.  I love the Book Of Mormon and it is the word of God.  It's true and it will give us peace, joy and direction in our lives.  

- Skyping Family on Tuesday was the highlight of the week! 
- No more highlights cause I was sick the rest of the week... 

1- We made Snow
2- fell asleep on a yoga mat while sick
3- Finished my Christmas puzzle
4- Indian veg meals... i think its what made me sick

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's Christmas!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!! I cannot believe that its here already.  I really am at a loss for words...The last almost 9 months of my life have just gone by really fast.  I don't have too much to update you on. This week was a hard one and its because I asked for it... i'll explain more in my spiritual message.  Our week was full of service and fun. We spent time at the mall doing Light the World finding and then had some Christmas parties.  We had a ward Christmas party and then a mission Christmas party on Christmas eve. As missionaries we have been able to focus on the true and most important part of Christmas...Jesus Christ and serving others!  Literally this week was just all the missionaries going around and caroling.  We visited each member, sang songs and shared messages about Jesus Christ! That was fun and such a touching experience.  There were lots of fun memories that happened in between, but i will not mention those hahaha!!  I just want you all to know that I love you and i'm grateful for you!  Also a quick shout out to the activity day girls in my ward.  I loved your cute little Christmas letter!!  You girls are so awesome and I hope you have an amazing Christmas!!  I just want to end with one quote I heard this week.  "We are not perfect, but we are worth it".  Merry Christmas again to all of you.  I love you all!! 

Spiritual Message:  
Well i just want to share an experience i had this week!  As most of you know Kenzie, my sister, had a very big and intense back surgery last Monday.  Hearing all the details, and the schedule she would be on after surgery I knew she would be in lots of pain...Mentally, physically and emotionally on levels that she has really never felt before.  Having some time this week to reflect on my relationship with her, I wondered how I could help her while being so far away.  She told me to just work hard and focus on my investigators and members, but there was something more that I needed to do.  I remember on Monday night( last week) I knelt down and probably said the most sincere, honest and real  prayer I have ever said.  I said... "Dear Heavenly Father.  I ask with all the love, sincerity, faith,  energy, and desire that I have left inside of my body that you put all of the extra mental, emotional and physical pain that my sister will go through this week on me in any way that will be according to your will, so she does not have to deal with that".  I ended with my heartfelt gratitude for the Plan Of Salvation, the gospel, my family and for my sister and the blessing that she has been in my life.  As I ended that prayer I had no idea what the next week would be like for me, but I had faith and trust in my Heavenly Father that he would answer my prayer!  Well, he did answer my prayer. I will spare the details of how my week was cause that doesn't matter.  What matters is the experience and spirit I felt when I knew my Heavenly Father was answering my prayer!  I got all that I asked for and was grateful for that.  I smiled during it all cause I knew my sister was in pain, but I knew that I got the extra pain that I didn't want her to have.  I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father and the love he has for all of his children. I'm grateful he cares about me enough to answer my prayers, and give me trials, pain and disappointment.  It teaches me and it strengthens my faith in Him and his son Jesus Christ!  I love this church, I love my mission and I love feeling the spirit.  

-Christmas Eve Party in Vasant Vihar! 
- Skyped my Family!!!!!! 
- Gave a blessing to a lady in a hospital... such a spiritual experience.  
- Ward X-mas Party!! 
/Elder Jorgensen


Monday, December 17, 2018

"Jesus and a wife...What more do you need"

Just to explain my title... We attended a baptism in Dwarka and the Elders quorum pres gave a baptism talk and he said "because of my baptism I found Jesus and my wife... what else do you need" :) hahaha!! So funny! 

Hello family and friends!  It has been a short 3 days and now we're back to another Monday! Not a lot happened, and im not going to give a long update this week.  I want to have time to talk to my lovely sister before she has her big surgery today! Well this week we literally just visited members and referrals.  We got a mixture of not home, come back later or come in please.  With the referrals we did a lot of walking and were not able to find their homes.  We did lots of work, taught some lessons and felt the spirit and had fun while doing it.  Missions can be so fun and exciting if you choose to have them be that way!  I love my mission.  Well a cool experience we were able to have was teaching Richard.  He is Sister Norvina's uncle and we are teaching him before he moves back to his hometown that is very far away.  We taught the last part of the restoration and it was awesome.  We invited Sister Norvina and her husband to bear their testimonies and that was so huge for Richard.  He got emotional and then Elder Nelli was overwhelmed with the spirit and invited Richard to be baptized on January 6th.  It was such an amazing experience...I made sure to thank bro and sis Norvina for being missionaries with us tonight.  I'm so grateful for members here.  They really allow our work to be great and not just good.  Well that's the update for the last 3 days.  The home group is good, we had 23 members this week and are hoping to get our own building soon so we don't have to keep holding our sacrament meeting in a building called precious moments... It just doesn't sound good haha! 

I love you all so much. I hope you have an amazing week!!  Always remember the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus Christ, his birth and the life he lived and sacrificed for us!  I'm so excited to be serving the people of India during Christmas!! I love you all!! 

Spiritual thought:  
Well in my last update I talked about how families and our Savior are the most important things for us. So I thought I would take this time to bear my testimony on the love I have for my sister and the impact she has had on my life.  I love Kenzie and will always be grateful for the example, role model and best friend that she has been to me!  She has had so many challenges and trials in her life and she pushed through them like they were nothing.  She decided to serve the Lord in the middle of all of that and served faithfully for 18 months. I strive everyday to be as faithful as she was. Watching her example for 18 months really gave me a desire to serve my mission.  I told myself that if she can do it, then I can do it and I have to do it!  When I hear the words strong, beautiful, determined, kind, understanding, smart, forgiving, daughter of God, friend, hero and Sister I think of Kenzie! I love her with all my heart and i'm so grateful for the impact she has had on me.   Brothers and sisters, young men and young women you can be that example and role model to your friends and family!  You can change there lives and lift them up, but it all depends on the choices you make, the attitude, and the focus you decide to have in your life.  I hope and pray that you will choose the "Harder right than the easier wrong", have a positive, understanding and forgiving attitude and a focus centered on Jesus Christ.  If you do you can have an impact on those you love that will last a life time!  This is my prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen! 

-Blasted Christmas music the last two weeks
-Made brownies!!!! 
-Had my first bowl of Reeses Puffs in 8 months.. Thanks mom!! 
-Put our investigator Richard on date! 
-English flyers work as toilet paper... sorry but had to say it!! 
-Land lord invited us to his Christmas eve party
-Elder miles almost puking out of an auto.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Zone conference with Elder Holmer

Aap kese ho everybody!!!!! Well this week was a little longer than normal due to zone conference and a mission tour carried out by Elder David P. Holmer.  He is in the Asia area presidency and a member of the Seventy.  That was the highlight of the week and what I will talk about.  I will have p-day again on Monday and will do a huge update on mission life and the work!  I will try to make things funny as well:)  

So conference was so long, but it was so good.  We got to the church at 9:30 and didn't leave until 4:30... yes that is how long Zone Conferences are.  We got trained mostly by Elder Holmer.  He is great and so confident and loud when he talks.  It really makes us missionaries tune in and really listen.  The topic for this week was teach repentance and baptize converts.  He challenged us to decide what we can do, as a companionship, to teach repentance and baptize converts each month.  Here are just some quotes and highlights from conference. 

-  "If we do our part, He will do his"- Sister Hansen

- "If we do our part, to help them do their part, Heavenly Father will do his part... 
This all depends on Faith"- Elder Holmer

- "Obedience puts us in a position to hear the spirit". - President Hansen

- "Refuse to be denied.  Do everything in your power to fulfil your purpose". - Elder Holmer

The main things talked about were Faith, obedience, controlling things we can control and just being who we know we need to be.  It was all tied into helping us teach repentance and baptize converts.  It was a great conference, especially because i got the opportunity to have a one on one interview with Elder Holmer.  The spirit was so strong as we sat and just talked about my mission and  life.  Overall it was a great conference.  Lots of byriani thanks to sister Massey and lots of laughing, talking, discussing and feeling the spirit.  Well that is gonna be it on conference.  Monday will be a huge update on my experiences and life in India!  I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week:) 

Spiritual message: 

This week is gonna be a short one, but i hope and pray it allows you to feel the spirit and learn something!  I asked the question this week... What are the most important things in this life??  My wonderful, lovely mother sent me Christmas packages and in one of those was a Christmas tree that we taped to the wall.  We got it up and put all the ornaments with pictures of my family and my Savior Jesus Christ.   I stared at the tree for about 5 min and  just felt the spirit tell me the answer to my question.  Family and friends... the most important things in this life are first, Our Savior Jesus Christ and second, Our Families!  

These are the things that will give us true happiness, true healing, true love, true understanding, true advice, true peace, true friendships, true memories and everything that we need to go through life and have it be an amazing experience.  Families are eternal, so make the most of your mortal life here with them and never let anything else be more important than them! Our savior is our best friend and is the source to be forgiven of sin and to return back to our Father in Heaven.  That is what he is for us, so draw near to him and try to be like him!  I leave you my testimony that I know this church is true!  I know that as we make the Savior and our families the center of our lives everything thing else will fall into place.  You will be happier and will have the spirit with you more!  I love you all and I love this church.  In the name of Jesus Christ amen.  

- Put up all the Christmas decorations!! 
- Had an amazing Zone Conference with Elder Holmer
- Had a member give me Hot Chocolate! 
- Walked around the Malls with light the world shirts on while the videos played!! 

Pictures: Something is going on with my pictures... I will send them all on Monday!!!:) 


Monday, December 3, 2018

Happy December and 8 months!!!!

Hello again family and friends... and HAPPY DECEMBER!!!! The missionaries in my apartment are excited for Christmas and we have been blasting x-mas music all week.  This week was a crazy one.  We moved into our new apartment and we now are living a very luxurious life as missionaries!  We had to go out and buy all the necessities for our apartment because Elder Peck was off for the week.  Now we are all out of money...Praying that our refund will come soon!!!
It's getting harder to send updates cause life here in India is just so normal now.  Missionary work is my life and I love it.  Me and Elder Nelli are just visiting members, painting their homes and trying to build relationships with everyone in the home group! The sisters are helping us teach the investigators we all have and they are doing an amazing job!  I feel so blessed to be building friendships with the members, sisters, Elder Nelli and my Savior Jesus Christ! We are just having amazing experiences and I just want to share one.  Me and Elder Nelli were on the metro last night and we were talking about our day not paying attention to where we were.  All of a sudden a man said "Hey where are you trying to go" We said to Dwarka sector 12... where the church is.  He said you have to get off here and switch lines.  If he had not said anything to us we would have been late to church and missed the sacrament!  This was a very small thing, but it shows that the Lord is watching out for us and he will make sure that we are taken care of and blessed.  Another great experience was getting the chance to do some service and clear a huge field to make a park for all of these homeless kids.  Their parents did not want them playing in the street and so we asked how we could help.  They asked us to make a park and we said of course we would love to:) We spent 6 hours clearing and cleaning the park and then we fed all of the kids after!  It felt so amazing to serve and to start off the December month like that! The rest of the week was just full of missionary work and teaching!  I love it here in India and couldn't think of a better place to be during Christmas!  I love serving and love using the gospel to bless peoples lives.  I hope you have an amazing week!  I love all of you!! 

Spiritual message:  
Light the world link:

Well my spiritual message is gonna be short today!  We all know what time of year it is... December, and for me before my mission that meant new clothes, new shoes, gifts, and the new version of Fifa or NBA.  Sadly, it had no real meaning. Oh has that changed since being on a mission and being a part of the Light the World activities and lessons that we are doing here in The Delhi Mission.  Christmas time is ALL about our Savior Jesus Christ! That is what it will always be about and that is what it should always be about. The gifts don't matter to me anymore.  What matters to me is centering my thoughts on my Savior, believing as he did, loving as he loved, and doing as he did!  As we remember all he did and the sacrifice he made for us our thoughts will be centered on him and how we can serve others as he did.  Instead of blabbering on about what you already know I am going to copy the link to the light the world page on!!  I challenge you all to do something each week for others and to lose yourselves in service!  That is what the Savior would do and that is what we should do!  The church is true and Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer!! He lives!!!! Im so grateful for him and all he does and continues to do for me and for you!! 

-Moved into our new apartment... Living in luxury:)
- Cleared a park for a homeless community behind the church! 
- Painted a members home!  We kind of failed.
- Blasted Christmas music all week!!! Its Christmas time!! 
- Put the hammer down in WCM... Its time for some change:) 
- Saw Elder Cleverley!!


Monday, November 26, 2018

Im leaving Lajpat

Well this week was just crazy!!! First, in honor of Thanksgiving, I want to say how very thankful I am for all of you and I love you all!!!! I have been surrounded by so many amazing, beautiful and bright people.  All of you have made my life so special and fun and I'm so grateful for that.  Well, I want to just update you on transfers and tell you my new assignment and that will be all for this week.  

I have been assigned to Janakpuri West. It is a home group that is part of the Dwarka ward. Me and my wonderful new companion, Elder Nelli will be taking over the home group.  This was a curve ball for me cause I thought i would be staying in Lajpat, but i'm grateful for this change and opportunity.  The home group is very different than a normal ward.  We meet for an hour and a half on Sunday.  We take the sacrament and then we have a gospel principles class. We meet in a rented out building and there are about 25 members who attend.  Our whole goal is to turn it into a branch in the next 3-4 months!! We have a lot of work ahead of us and we are excited to do this. The hardest part right now is travel.  We spend lots of time and money on traveling, so we have to really plan well so no more eating out for me... that means I am going to lose the 20 pounds that I have gained here in India!  Well this last week was a blur and now I am in a totally new area! That is gonna be all for the week.  I am sorry this is so short, but most of you never read the whole thing so I think it will be ok!!!  Next weeks email will be more detailed and fun!  I hope you all have a great week!  I love you all:) Things are super busy and stressful over here in India, but i'm happy to be here and love serving the Lord!!! It is the greatest thing I could have chosen to do in my life so far!! 

Less than 30 days till Christmas!!! Can't wait to see the Jorgensen clan and their beautiful faces!!! 

Spiritual message:  
I just want to share a little experience for my message this week!  So with transfers happening and hearing that I was leaving, I was sad that i would not be able to continue teaching Jothi and Krishen.  I knelt down that night and said probably the most serious sincere prayer and asked my Heavenly Father if it was possible for me to continue to teach them...I asked to make that possible.  I moved out and left to my new area!  Friday night I got a call and it was Jothi.  She was asking how i was doing and just saying hi.  She asked where I had been transferred to and when she heard that I said Janakpuri west she got really happy! She then went on to tell me that her and Krishen were moving to Uttam Nagar east... which is in our area!!! I still get to teach them:)  I wanna just say that true faith with prayer will unleash miracles!! I'm so grateful for prayer and the many times I get to communicate with my Heavenly Father and ask for blessings!  It's amazing to see those blessings happen because of faith!  The church is true people and this gospel is beautiful and perfect!  I love it! 

- I am now over the Janakpuri home group with Elder Nelli
- Getting a new apartment on December 1st
- Went to Ihop on Wednesday:) 
- Nelli is my new Companion!! He is great! 


Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving From India!!

Hello family and friends yet again!! Since I cant email each of you individually and say Happy Thanksgiving I thought i'd take the time to say it in my group email!! Well this week was a great one!  We were able to teach Jothi and Krishen the whole entire week!  We taught the Word of Wisdom and they committed to follow it.  Jothi said that she was worried she couldn't do it, and Krishen turned to her and said, " We can pray and ask for strength"!  That was a really cool experience.  We taught them the Plan of Salvation and after 2 days they understood it and had no doubts that it was true and from God.  Their faith, understanding and desire to learn amazes me.  They understand that they can be helped as they apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives.  I would ask that you please pray for them as we continue to work with them and progress to baptism.  They need faithful prayers from all you beautiful people back at home.   

Well this week was mostly Zone Conference and teaching Jothi and Krishen.  For Zone conference it was just a small group because the missionaries who havent been to the temple are at the temple right now!  We learned lots, got our spiritual battery recharged and had some dang good Indian food thanks to Sister Paul!!  We battled some sickness (the pollution is awful) and we have been preparing for this weeks mission activity... Turkey bowl for Thanksgiving.  Elder Wolcott has been teaching me plays and I will be playing quarterback. I've worked really hard for this moment and hope that I don't choke like Tanner Magnum.  Post game highlights and interviews will be posted next week!  Well as you can tell i'm having fun, working hard and really loving being a missionary here in India.  It is beyond hard and there are lots of challenges everyday, but ive learned that it doesn't matter what we go through but how we decide to react, work, and learn from those experiences.  I want you all to know that its so hard to explain India because its just different... EVERYTHING is different and its very hard to put into words.  I want you all to know im so grateful for you and the impact you have had on my life.  I hope you have lots of fun with your families and eat a lot of turkey for me!! I pray that you will go out of your way to show them how grateful you are for them and not just say it.  Elder Jorgensen is praying for you all! Have the best week ever:) 

Spiritual Thought: 
As children of a loving Heavenly Father we need to give thanks for all he has given to us!  For Zone Conference President taught about the creation and he shared 4 bullet points and the last was to be thankful and appreciate  Heavenly Father.  How do we show appreciation? D&C 59: 21.  We acknowledge him in all things and keep his commandments. Obviously we can pray and say the words Thank you, but as we understand him, his creations and his love for us all we must do more than say, we must act to show Thanks.

The song, "My Heavenly Father loves me" in the Childrens song book comes to my mind.  It says,

Whenever I hear the song of a bird Or look at the blue, blue sky,  
Whenever I feel the rain on my face Or the wind as it rushes by,  
Whenever I touch a velvet rose Or walk by a lilac tree,  
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world Heav’nly Father created for me.   

He gave me my eyes that I might see The color of butterfly wings.  
He gave me my ears that I might hear The magical sound of things.  
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart: I thank him rev’rently 
For all his creations, of which I’m a part. 
Yes, I know Heav’nly Father loves me".  

Let us all make sure we are showing our Heavenly Father gratitude in both word and our actions!  I am beyond grateful for my Heavenly Father and for all he has done for me.  All his creations and all his love he shows through Jesus Christ, The Gospel, Prophets and much more!! 

- Zone conference( half of the zone not there cause they are on there temple trip)
- Taught Jothi and Krishen everyday this week.  
- got Vasant Vihar momo's after Zone conference
- Changed our areas around within Lajpat!  Our area is smaller now! 

1. Some parade that was going on after church outside our apartment! 
2. Elder Nielsen cooking mashed potatoes
3. Our Investigators, Jothi and Krishen!! 
4. My bomb Plan Of salvation( simple lesson) I drew up for Jothi and Krishen
5. Post Turkey Bowl picture!!! 
/Elder Jorgensen

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is for "ALL" things

Hello Family and friends!!  This week was so amazing and made me love missionary work even more!! First we were able to celebrate DIWALI!! This made up for missing the fourth of July.  I have never seen and heard so many fireworks go off in my entire life.  The government even banned them and everyone was just like who cares we are doing it anyways! We were able to buy kurtas and wear them at night at the apartment.  We listened to hymns and EFY music and just danced in our kurtas! That was fun and we looked dang good!!!  As a side note... just for fun I was able to eat at Chilis again and that always is a good thing.  This time my burger was not raw and so I did not get sick.  We were able to go to the Chilis in Vasant Vihar, so I was able to see my old area and that was really weird. Time is really going fast, and i'm kinda wanting it to slow down.  Well lots happened this week.  We have 2 progressing investigators right now.  There names are Jothi Bala and Krishen kumar!  They are a married couple living in Delhi right now.  We received them last Sunday and starting teaching them right away.  We taught them everyday this week and had some amazing spiritual experiences together.  It was so awesome to see all of the discouragement, disappointment and lack of success go away so quickly!! Hard work really does pay off and I just experienced that for myself!!  Well to finish the week off I ate goat feet and I just really don't wanna explain it or describe it... it was nasty!! Well that is about it for the week. We are seeing miracles and continuing to work hard!  I love missionary work. I love India and I love all of you so much!! I hope you have an amazing week!!! 

Sorry this week is so short!!!!!!! 

Spiritual message: Using the Atonement of Jesus Christ to forgive others

So this week we were inside more because of Diwali.  President gave us certain things we had to do while being inside longer, and one of those things was to write a talk on, Using the Atonement of Jesus Christ to forgive others". Here are some things I learned while writing this talk.   First The Atonement of Jesus Christ covers our infirmities( Alma 7: 11-12).  Infirmities means weaknesses or imperfections!  Forgiving is an imperfection or weakness for lots, so remember the atonement covers that!  Second, In Mathew 6: 14-15 Jesus continues his sermon on the mount by saying that we need to forgive men their trespasses and then we will be forgiven of ours!  We need to remember that Jesus Christ is the perfect source, perfect example and his atonement is perfect! Perfect meaning; Never failing!! Why do we not use it more when all he has done for us will never fail.  I know that as we apply this in our lives we will feel peace, healing and the love our Savior has for us!   

- Taught Jothi Bala and Krishen Kumar everyday this week! 
- Chilis for Lunch with Wolcott 
- Celebrated Diwali with Kurtas and fire work watching!! 
- Ate goat Feet... so nasty!!

1. Salt lake city temple socks on Pday! 
2. Pink Kurta on Diwali
3. Chilis!!!!!!
4. Random couple doing Yoga at Lodhi Garden
5. This is where they filmed the Hunger Games lol.